Friday, August 8, 2008

The Art of Illuminating

This day and age, the fear of losing my belongings in a fire doesn't scare me too much. I'm not much of a collector. Most of my important work and precious photos are safely backed up. And, it wouldn't be the end of the world to have to buy a new wardrobe. Plus, I have insurance, so I know all of it can be replaced. But I admit, I'm not completely impartial to my materialistic possessions. I'd be sad to lose this copy of The Art of Illuminating, copyright 1860.

Rob and I found it at a closing sale in a San Francisco book shop.
Samples are from the 6th through 16th Centuries by publishers London, Day and Son, "lithographers to the Queen." I've seen a few musty copies for sale online (for as much as $675 US). And, they have since created a clip art bk of authors W.R. Tymms and M.D. Wyatt's original findings.

1 comment:

Robert J. Williams said...

Feel free to borrow it anytime Beigene. Please note that there is a $675 deposit though :)